1. What does Campus Impression do?

Current online social networking platforms mostly target a broad spectrum of users. When they design processes for users connecting with each other, they typically require users to establish a virtual “friend” relationship with each other first. Users often rely on acquaintance to expand friend circles. This method is compatible with a wide variety of target audiences, including students, workers, etc., which makes it broadly applicable and efficient. However, it has its trade-offs.
The problem this method presents is how it limits how college students form friendships with their colleagues. Building social networks based on circles of acquaintances is hard for young college students, especially for those who just entered college. There is currently no other app that directly connects students who go to the same college. We believe that when students are using a social networking platform, this platform should be dedicated to helping students connect with school alumni more easily, while also helping students access both academic and social resources within the school environment. Therefore, we want to create an educational technology that dedicates the focus on connecting students who go to the same college. This application creates a safe space not only to connect people within the same campus, but also to eliminate any difficulties for a positive college life.

2. User Personas

3. Core Feature UI

-Users can view posts from other college mates.
-Under the “Explore” tab, users can view popular posts of all categories.
-Users can choose a category to view using “Filter”.
-Under the “Recommend” tab, users will view system-suggested posts based on their interests.
-To send a post, users need to click the plus button in the middle of the navigation bar.

Post Feature is an experience sharing platform:
Not sure what classes to enroll in next quarter? Which professor is better? What major you want to change to?
Want to share your study experiences? Or how to become a master of time management?
Care to help someone who might be facing the same problems you encountered before?

- Select Study in the post filter to post/view any study-related posts including study notes, course recommendations, course/professor reviews, etc.

Not sure where to eat during lunch? Scared of picking the wrong restaurant like last time?
Really excited about a new restaurant you found near school?

- Select Food to post/view posts about food around UCI

New to the city where your college is? Want to find a roommate who likes cooking?
Want to share your living experiences? Or list the pros and cons of an apartment complex?

- Select Housing to post/view posts about housing rentals and/or sublease information.

Thinking about getting a sofa but new ones are so expensive?
Want to get a new sofa but don't want to just throw away your perfectly fine old one?
Let's get sustainable!

- Select Trade to post/view posts about used stuff including furniture, cars, laptops...

- This page lists all activities that have been posted by users on campus.
- Click the plus button to initiate an off-line / in-person meeting, which is one HangOut room.
- Each HangOut room has one initiator who provides detailed information about the in-person meeting, including when to meet, where to meet, what type of activity will be happening, description details, and a maximum number of members.
- All users can join the activity (users must be certified as current students within the same campus)

The HangOut Room feature helps form friendships and promotes a sense of community:
- Form a Study HangOut room for midterms or mock interviews
- Form a Club HangOut room for hobbies like book, music or photography clubs
- Form a Drink HangOut room to go out to a bar or club
- Form an Outdoor Activities HangOut room for sports or hiking

4. Results

- Creating our app involved countless hours of market research, use case development, wireframing, coding the Minimal Viable Product, and collective brainstorming to iterate toward the best solution. My co-founders and I successfully entered UC Irvine’s Wayfinder Incubator Program after pitching the product to the program’s advisors.
-Ultimately, while our team dissolved the start-up upon graduation, this was an invaluable experience in terms of understanding the practicalities of bringing innovation to market.

- For More Info on Wayfinder Incubator Program

5. About the team

Team Member:
Lang Luo, Meng Ye (Sophie), Zeyun Dong (Oscar)Sizhi, Chen (Strong), Taiting Lu (Jackson)